broken window glass

Broken Windows: Time to Hire a Window Replacement Company

Are you having trouble opening and closing your old windows? If so, that is an indicator that it’s time for some new windows. Dysfunctional windows not only can be a bother, but a safety hazard in case of an emergency. Inoperable windows can be a hassle especially during season’s changes when you would love to have your windows open for fresh air circulating in your home. Home Evolution is a trusted window installation and replacement company that can install the new windows in your home with the windows of your choice.

If the trim around your windows is in great shape, or you are not touching the exterior of the house, it may be easier for you to have replacement or retrofit windows installed in your home. Since new construction windows are typically installed to the frame of the house by the use of a nail fin frame, it is a little bit more work having to remove and install these types of windows, especially if the siding on the exterior of the house is not being changed. Often times, it is best to have there windows and siding on a home be replaced at the same time.

warped old windows

Warped windows never shut perfectly, leaving gaps and cracks for air drafts.

sealing windows

Either painted or caulked, these windows aren’t practical and create a safety hazard.

rusted window hinges

Windows with rusted parts have a hard time opening or wont open at all.

Common window problems in the Albany area.

Windows with Broken Parts
Some problems may be caused by simply broken parts that may just need to be replaced or tracks that need to be lubricated. However, some old windows open using a sort of pulley, but these quit working over time. Sometimes multiple layers of paint will prevent the pully’s from working at all.

Windows with Rusted Components
Rusted or broken parts will not hold the windows tightly shut, or open even open at all. Rotted windows may fall apart altogether when trying to push them open. Once the window is not performing as it should be, it has passed its life of usefulness and needs to be replaced.

Windows that Have Been Painted Shut
If your windows are painted shut, as often is the case with older windows, you could use a putty knife or crowbar to pry them open. Usually though, if they are painted shut they are in poor shape anyways and it would be wiser to just replace them.

Windows That Have Warped
Sometimes old windows and frames can warp as the house sets. You will have to take the old window out to fix the frame, so you might as well put in a new window by a window installer. Windows that have warped also make them very difficult to open and close, and often times allow drafts into the home.

Other window related links: New Window Installation / Air Drafts / Window Condensation / Window Appearance / Old Windows

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