Color Siding Issues


Close view of badly peeling paint on old clapboard siding.

Your home’s siding is what gives your home a lot of its overall look. After all, most people describe their home using its color, which is typically provided by your siding!

Over time, your colored siding can start to look dingy and old. At this point, it may be time for a replacement! Here are the three most common color siding issues to look out for:

CHIPPING: Paint on wood siding can start to chip and peel off.
FADING: This is mostly caused by UV rays. Your siding’s color can begin to look dull and not as vibrant as it used to.
CHALKING: Siding can develop a buildup of white residue that, when touched, can rub off on your hand.
If you’ve noticed any of the above issues with your siding, give us a call at 518-639-7663 or contact us online!